At Hampton PS we highly value the role that technology can play in educating our students. When used effectively, technology has the ability to transform learning and provide opportunities to develop the crucial skills that our students need to thrive in the 21st century.
Across the school and in particularly in Years 4 – 6, where we have 1-1 BYO iPad programs in place, we aim for balance. Balance means monitoring the amount of time that our students are using technology throughout the day and aiming to use the devices only when it can add value to the learning task.
Across the school, the ICT devices (iPads and laptops) are being used in a myriad of ways to transform learning including:
- Students self-managing and uploading evidence of learning to their Seesaw portfolios in multi-modal formats (video, image, audio, text).
- Students collaborating on literacy, numeracy and inquiry projects made possible by the use of Google Apps.
- Students using block code to program robots as they continue to develop key computational and algorithmic thinking skills.
- Students going on virtual excursions and connecting their learning with the ‘real world’.
- Making films and green screen productions which take collaboration and creativity to another level.
- Students receiving detailed and immediate feedback on their learning and providing feedback to peers.
- Working in online spaces such as Google Classroom and Seesaw, where students can access varied content to support their level of understanding in key learning areas.
- Accessing homework and school information online and offline – anywhere, anytime access to learning.
- Accessing real-time information, rich digital learning resources and educational software.
Importantly, Hampton Primary School is committed to providing a safe, structured and secure environment where our students can learn the crucial skills necessary to responsibly and appropriately manage their use of technology. With the guidance of our whole school Cyber Safety Project Curriculum and Scope and Sequence, our teachers design regular sessions that are underpinned by the following values:
Being true to myself
- Respecting myself and others online
- Modelling acceptable social protocols
- Making ethical digital decisions and choices
Keeping myself safe
- Establishing and maintaining privacy and security when using digital technologies
- Understanding the responsibilities one has to self and others online
- Identifying safe practices for communicating and collaborating with others online
Understanding myself
- Recognising emotions and reactions of self
- Developing strategies for personal management and self-regulation
- Building resilience and grit
Keeping others safe
- Recognising emotions and reactions of others
- Developing strategies for effective digital communication and collaboration
- Promoting help seeking strategies