Reading instruction at Hampton Primary School:
- encompasses a range of teaching practices that provide varying levels of support at different points of need – these practices include modelled reading (including thinking aloud), shared reading, guided reading and independent reading
- uses these teaching practices to provide explicit instruction in comprehension
- provides opportunities to maximise engaged reading and deep thinking about texts through practices such as literature circles
- includes explicit instruction about foundational early literacy skills, such as phonics, as well as knowledge about language and all textual codes for example, visual literacy
- uses a range of genres and modes of texts
- features models of rich, authentic texts
- includes whole group, small group and individual instruction.
Writing instruction at Hampton Primary School:
- involves students writing for authentic audiences and purposes
- involves students in focussed and scaffolded writing experiences
- encompasses a range of teaching practices such as modelled writing, shared writing, interactive writing and independent writing where varying levels of support can be provided at different points of need
- includes dedicated, uninterrupted blocks of time for writing that occur daily
- makes clear connections between meaning making in reading and writing
- supports students to understand the difference between spoken and written language
- incorporates explicit instruction about the processes of writing, structural and grammatical features of genres, and spelling
- ensures students collaborate (engage in peer conferences) at all phases of the writing process
- uses rich, authentic texts as mentor or model texts
- ensures teachers model writing and make their own processes visible
- provides scaffolding and feedback to students at all stages of the writing process
- includes explicit instruction about foundational phonics and phonological skills necessary to encode meaning as well as knowledge about language
- provides opportunities to compose a range of genres in various formats
- includes whole group, small group and individual instruction.